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Get fii dii data today. Explore fii dii data nse like fii index future data, fii index option data, fii stock future data, fii stock option data, trade stats for future index and stocks, index premiums, stock premiums, advance decline nse, no of 52 week high stocks, no of 52 week low stocks, unchanged stocks, put call ratio nse, india vix, nifty and bank nifty live share prices. Explore these below data to find nifty and bank nifty directions to trade in the Indian stock market.


Parameters Pre. Value(Cr.) Today`s Value(Cr.) Impact
FII Index Fut 159.4 -411.9 -ve
FII Stock Opt -6489.4 36171.5 +ve
FII Stock Fut -279.6 -2233.9 -ve
FII Stock Opt -3740.6 4144.9 +ve
FII/FPI Cash -3732 -1749 -ve
DII Cash 2278.1 1655 +ve
Put/Call Ratio 0.99 +ve
Index LTP Signal %chg
INDIAVIX 13.1 Neutral 0.4%
NIFTY 24971.3 IntradaySell -0.3%
BANKNIFTY 51801.1 IntradayBuy -0.2%

Trade Stats

Parameters Pre. Value(Cr.) Today`s Value(Cr.) Impact
Index Fut 22023.2 19716 +ve
Stock Fut 86944.2 97484.1 -ve
Index Fut 46568.2 56452.1 -ve
Stock Opt 5948.9 6481.5 -ve
Index Prem 46568.2 56452.1 -ve
Stock Prem 5948.9 6481.5 -ve
Parameters Pre. Value Today`s Value Impact
Adv 1433 1383 -ve
Dec 1382 1389 -ve
Unchanged 86 103 -ve
52WH 83 106 +ve
52WL 24 25 -ve


What is FII full form?

FII full form is Foreign institutional investor

What is DII full form?

DII full form is Domestic Institutional investor

What are FIIs and DIIs?

FIIs are institutional investors who incorporated in a foreign country & invest outside their home country. They have global investment scope.

FIIs are foreign entities that invest in Indian financial markets. These can include hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds, and other investment firms from outside India. FIIs play a crucial role in shaping the Indian stock market's dynamics, bringing about foreign capital.

DIIs, on the other hand, are institutional investors investing inside the home country.

DIIs are domestic entities operating within India. They comprise institutions such as mutual funds, insurance companies, banks, and other financial institutions that invest in Indian securities. DIIs often represent the interests of local investors.

FIIs and DIIs in Indian stock market, play distinct roles, each with its own set of objectives and strategies. While FIIs can bring in liquidity, DIIs contribute to market stability and long-term growth.

How to get FII and DII Data?

There many websites in Indian stock market who displays FII and DII buying selling data. Example, National Stock Exchange (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange, Money control and many broker website like Angelone, Motilal Oswal etc.

Why are FII and DII opposite?

Both have different styles of investing in India. DIIs tend to hold stocks for the long term whereas FIIs have a medium- to the short-term horizon. According to research conducted on the trading behavior on FII and DII Data in the Indian stock market scenario, it is evident that they adopt opposite trading strategies.

What happens when FII sell and DII buy?

When FII sells significantly, it affects the liquidity of the market. A vast outflow from FIIs can be a red signal for the market. However, when DII buy corresponds to FII sell, the negative impact on the market gets reduced.

Which is better, FII or DII?

Both Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) and Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs) are key market participants. Both hold their importance, and therefore there is no particular answer to which one is better. But when FII buying over certain period of time, it is bullish signal.

How do FIIs make money?

FIIs usually invest in various economies. Similar to individual investors, they make money from dividend/interest income and capital appreciation. Other than that, they also earn from currency fluctuations.

Who are FIIs in India?

EURO PACIFIC GROWTH FUND, Govt. of Singapore, Vanguard is the top FIIs in India.

Who comes under DII?

Indian Mutual Funds like HDFC AMC, SBI Mutual fund house, ICICI mutual fund house, Indian Insurance Companies like LIC India, Local Pension Funds, and Banking & Financial Institutions come under DII.

What are The Investment Objectives of FIIs and DIIs?

FIIs primarily seek opportunities for capital appreciation and profit generation. They may enter or exit the Indian market based on global economic conditions, currency movements, and potential returns. Their investments are driven by short-term market trends to medium term and global events.

DIIs, on the contrary, tend to have a long-term investment horizon say 7-10yrs perspective. They focus on stability, income generation, and wealth preservation. These institutions manage funds on behalf of Indian retail investors through different schemes of Mutual fund for steady returns and financial security.

What Investment Strategies Do FIIs and DIIs Follow?

FIIs are known for their active and dynamic trading strategies. They often engage in short-term trading, frequently buying and selling stocks and other financial instruments. This can lead to increased market volatility.

DIIs generally adopt a more conservative approach. They often follow a buy-and-hold strategy. They invest in fundamentally strong companies with growth potential, contributing to market stability.

What Is the Impact of FIIs and DIIs on the Stock Market?

The presence of FIIs can have a significant impact on Indian markets. They invest very huge amount of money. Their large-scale investments can lead to rapid price movements, both upward and downward in any stock and index.

DIIs are often seen as stabilizing forces in the Indian stock market. During FII selling, they support the market fall by buying in respective stocks. Their long-term approach and commitment to quality investments provide a cushion during times of market turbulence.

How to analyze fii dii data?

The FII and DII data can be read using the Buy and Sell value, but it is best to focus on its net value. You can analyze the FII and DII data by comparing their net investment in the stock market over a period of time. This will help you understand their buying and selling patterns and how it impacts the stock market.

You can look for patterns in the FII and DII data such as their buying and selling trends during different market conditions. For instance, you can see how they responded during a market crash or a bull run.

FII and DII data can give you an idea about the market sentiment. If FIIs are buying and DIIs are selling, it could indicate a bullish trend. However, if both are selling, it could indicate a bearish trend.